Monday, November 19, 2012

Hashimoto's Progress

So I was blessed enough to get some more information on healing my body this week, and especially stabilizing my thyroid gland!! My brother in law Dave's sister is staying with us this week, and she just so happens to be an herbalist. Herbalism is an alternative form of medical practice, it's instead of being and MD (Medical Doctor) you're an ND (Natural Doctor.) This is the type of medical practice I would like to do someday. Laura and I got to talk about the different medical schools I could go to, to become an ND :) Anyway, she was telling me about an allergy test I could take that tells you not only what food you are allergic to but what foods you are INTOLERANT to!!! OH MY GOODNESS! For those of you that don't know how significant this is to me will soon know why! My disease, Hashimoto's disease is an endocrine based disease where your whole endocrine system is messed up and this is due to inflammation in the gut. the inflammation in the gut is caused by diet based foods. THUS!!! figuring out what foods inflame my gut will help stabilize my disease! This is just the cherry on top of all the information I have been collecting this past year. I have been receiving little pieces to my puzzle this past year and I can't help but feel overly blessed. She also told me about this herbal tea called tulsi tea. It's supposedly supposed to help even more with the healing process of the endocrine system so I'm overly excited about all this new information I've received. I'm going to take the test tomorrow, and I'll let everyone know how it goes :)

Sunday, November 11, 2012


I went longboarding with one of my very best friends today, and it was absolutely freezing. I've been nagging her to get one for a while so I'm ever so stoked that she and I can go all the time now :) It's such a great outlet. For any of you who have ever wanted to try it, but haven't, you really should!


So I think I have some explaining to do for some of you. As you know I've been eating vegetarian for the past 2 months. It's actually going really well, and for those of you that strongly disagree with my decision I would be happy to explain to you why I have decided to do so :) First and foremost, as all of you know, or should know by now I have had all sorts of health issues my whole life, and those of you understand that finding a resolution to your symptoms is and on going life process. One of my symptoms is having a completely messed up digestive system. Since I've cut out meat from my diet my digestive system has started to heal itself. THAT IS HUGE FOR ME! Second reason is that I've never been to fond of denying the fact that I'm eating animals that are being killed in an inhumane way. I understand that animals are here to be eating, but in moderation. I have no problem enjoying a steak every once in a while. Like maybe once a year or so, but in moderation. The thing is that I can't even watch people hunt without getting emotional. I've never been too fond of dead animals, and I figured it was finally time to come to terms with the fact that my morals were a bit confused. I understand that there have been a lot of changes in my life these days, but I would really appreciate it if all of you would be supportive as I sort my life and my health out. I've made so much progress and I know it's exhausting, and I'm so grateful for all of you who support me and morph to my ever-changing lifestyle. I love all of you so much. I gain so much strength from my friends and family.