Wednesday, September 26, 2012


Uhm, I think yes :) Hey hey readers, so I've been running a lot since January 1st. January 1st (the day my brother died) was actually the first day that started all of this running nonsense. I needed someway to vent that day and running was the only thing I could think of to get out of that horrifying house. (Just for the record the house I lived in in January does not feel like that any longer. We've accomplished bringing the love and homeyness back into our house. It's a blessing) ANYWHO! I went running, and absolutely STRUGGLED through that pathetically short mile haha. I know, pathetic indeed. Since then i've run over 130 miles. I'd say that's somewhat of an accomplishment. You guys can judge for yourself, BUT since I'm a running addict right now I'll be starting a half marathon training schedule starting this monday. I couldn't be more stoked. I love running.

p.s. Watch this video.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Hey Everyone! I know I haven't updated you guys in a while. The latest update is, I went Skydiving yesterday :) Also I've spent about 2 weeks up here at BYU Idaho. It's amazing and I got to live with the best roommates! These girls are so much fun. My lifelong friend Lauren, and my brand new roommate Jovanne both came with me yesterday to go on the crazy adventure. For anyone who has ever thought about skydiving, do it ASAP! It's nice to finally be able to say I did it. I'm so ready to get completely settled in here at BYU-I. I'm hoping to apply for the European Humanities study abroad tour this week. We go to places like  London, Paris, Rome, Florence, Austria and Munich! It should be the trip of a lifetime! I plan on going on this tour with Jovanne and Lauren (the same girls I went skydiving with). I'm so glad I found people that are willing to do spontaneous things with me. Anywho, here are some of the photos from diving via the sky ;)