Wednesday, September 26, 2012


Uhm, I think yes :) Hey hey readers, so I've been running a lot since January 1st. January 1st (the day my brother died) was actually the first day that started all of this running nonsense. I needed someway to vent that day and running was the only thing I could think of to get out of that horrifying house. (Just for the record the house I lived in in January does not feel like that any longer. We've accomplished bringing the love and homeyness back into our house. It's a blessing) ANYWHO! I went running, and absolutely STRUGGLED through that pathetically short mile haha. I know, pathetic indeed. Since then i've run over 130 miles. I'd say that's somewhat of an accomplishment. You guys can judge for yourself, BUT since I'm a running addict right now I'll be starting a half marathon training schedule starting this monday. I couldn't be more stoked. I love running.

p.s. Watch this video.