Bucket List
1. Visit Greece & make a friend
2. Sky Diving
3. Ride a Mechanical Bull
4. Go on a Road-Trip
5. Have a Baby girl
6. Get married in the temple to the man i love
7. Own a house over seas
8. Go Natural
9. Own a Sexy Motorcycle or Vespa
10. Own a Gun
11. Visit Alaska
12. Vacation to Figi
13. Become acquainted with an Ancestor
14. Make an Alaskan Quilt
15. Learn to Cook Gluten free (well)
16. Make a Club House
17. Read Dads Journal
18. Have at least 1 Unique room in my home
19. Cage diving with Sharks
20. Get scuba certified
21. Go cheese tasting
22. Go on a Safari
23. Photography Internship
24. Write a book
25. Live in an apartment in Downtown Manhattan
26. Visit the Leaning Tower or Pisa
27. Visit Abby Road and recreate the beatles cover
28. Kiss in the rain'
29. Make a wish at the Trevi Fountain in Rome
30. Own a pair of Superhero Underpants
31. Stay at the Atlantis Resort
32. Own a Husky or Pomski
33. Chop down my own Christmas Tree
34. Be kissed unexpectedly
35. Kiss under the mistletoe
36. Make a huge fort with my husband and have a sleepover in it
37. Dress my kids fashionably
38. Name my baby girl the name I prefer (starts with an M) ;)
39. Live somewhere in Europe for a bit (again)
40. Give people a reason to remember my name
41. Stay at The Igloo Village of Hotel Kakslauttanen in Finland
42. Grow old with someone I love
43. Stay healthy my whole life
44. Get my disease under control
45. Always fight to be healthy
46. Ride an overnight train across the country
47. Visit Rockport Massachusetts
48. Learn to Sail
49. Own a Sailboat
40. Live on the Coast
41. Paint the pages of a classic book
42. Go Zorbing
43. Learn how to Fence
44. Ride in a Hot Air Balloon
45. Go Parasailing
46. Go to the Hot Springs
47. Go Skinny Dipping with interesting people
48. Go Whale watching
49. See the Northern Lights
50. Be in Love
51. Start a Family
52. Grow my own Garden
53, See the Eiffel Tower & Arch De Triumph
54. Live in Paris
55. Go on a Gluten-Free Cruise
56. Meet a General Authority
57. Go Red-Head
58. See Cirque du Soliel
59. Collect Something
60. Plant my favorite tree
61. Own a Log Cabin
62.Own a Jeep
63. Be an extra in a movie
64. Change someones life for the better forever
65. Visit Auschwitz
66. Washington D.C.
67.Disney World & Disney Land
69. Visit every continent
70.Go on a Cruise
71. Name one of my baby boys after my younger brother Brandon
72.Kiss someone at midnight on New Years
73. Own a Type Writer
74.Own a Polaroid
75.Get Gauged ears
76.Start a Vinyl Record Collection
77. Go Raw Vegan for a week
78. Try Pescetarianism
63. Be an extra in a movie
64. Change someones life for the better forever
65. Visit Auschwitz
66. Washington D.C.
69. Visit every continent
71. Name one of my baby boys after my younger brother Brandon
73. Own a Type Writer